How to pass arguments like int or custom class object into callfunc_selector from CCCallFunc?

Hello, I am a noob developer of cocos2dx in Korea.

I’m trying to use runAction by CCSequence like this;

**void Class::func1( int a ){
// do something with a

void Class::func2( CustomClass * c ) {
// do something with c

void Class::func3( ) {
CCCallFunc * function1 = CCCallFunc::create( this, callfunc_selector( Class::func1 ) );
CCCallFunc * function2 = CCCallFunc::create( this, callfunc_selector( Class::func2 ) );
CCAction * action = CCSequence::create( function1, function2, NULL );
this->runAction( action );

But in this case, there is no way to pass function arguments like int a or CustomClass * c to the CCCallFunc * function1 or 2 because callfunc_selector has no more arguments except Selector.

Is there any way to pass arguments to the certain functions that has to be called by callfunc_selector?

I keep a global variable … havent searched around much tho… would be nice if we could variables in to function