How to navigate to a new XAML window?


I am learning and trying to use cocos2d-x for windows 8 (metro).

In addition to the main game scene, I want to implement a score window and a help window, where scores will be displayed and html help file will be displayed, respectively.

Although I have searched for quite a long time, I still don’t have any clues or ideas.

One possible way seems to be the XAML window, where users can navigate to it whenever necessary, because all default template projects use them.

But I don’t know if this is the best way. Furthermore, I even don’t know how to create a XAML window within the framework of cocos2d-x.

Furthermore, are there any ListView or TableView available in cocos2d-x for windows 8?

In cocos2d (for iphone), we can create UIView or NSView and then add them to ccdirector. Can this method or similar method be used in cocos2d-x for windows 8?

Can anybody give me some help? Sample codes or links are extremely welcomed.

Thank you indeed in advance.


Hey, I am recently making cocos2d-x work in win8 xaml page.

Here’s my project in github:


I also have a problem as you but on Windows Phone 8.

can anyone help me on Windows Phone 8?



Yop Chan wrote:

Hey, I am recently making cocos2d-x work in win8 xaml page.
Here’s my project in github:

This example is great!
But how can I put cocos2d-x view on the xaml in front of?

Yop Chan wrote:

Hey, I am recently making cocos2d-x work in win8 xaml page.
Here’s my project in github:

Hi YopChan, Cheers for your template I am porting my two games from iOS and Android to windows 8 using cocos2dx-0.11-win8.I have improved some things in it but i do get the same FPS drop around 267-27. Also when I install my app on a remote machine like acer iconia w510 the sprite drawn is not too good. There is always some gap in between the images with some pixels not drawn.

Also how can I hide the xaml page as i want to show that xaml page on a particular screen to open the soft keyboard and enter text in textBox through xaml thats transfers a string back to my layer through CCNotificationCenter :). I hope you get my point