How to make scene transitions?

How do I make scene transitions?
I can successfully change scenes using “cc.director.loadScene”, however, I do not understand how do I use “cc.director.runScene”.
I have also tried to use “cc.fadeIn”, however, it does not work for me.

The guy from @SonarSystems has created a fantastic set of tutorials about Cocos. Here you have one about scene transitions in Cocos JS:

Hope it helps. Credit to @SonarSystems for an awesome job!! :slight_smile:

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Thank you for your kind words.

@murumuru if you have any questions feel free to ask.

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@jrosich, @SonarSystems
Thank you, but I already know about those videos, they are very nice, however my internet is a little too slow to watch them.

That’s not good. Have you seen which is our Cocos API Guide.

This code is not working in Creator. It fails with error:

“cc.TransitionFade is not a constructor”.

Any ideas on how to do scene transitions

thank you

hi @hartsteins1, do you have found how to make transition? I have the same trouble!
Thanks! :blush:
