How to make Firework effect in Cocos2d-x 3.2?

I trying to search the web for tutorial or example to create fireworks , the example in test-cpp using Firework build in class
but the result dosn;t looks like fireworks ,
does any one know about some link or direction on creating FireWorks effect , like real fireworks .
shouting -> exploding -> fading out nicely .
something like this:


I think this is not possible with one particle.
You need to create 2 particles and one is moving from bottom to a certain coordinate x,y.
Now, your update function will keep checking whether it is at this/around coordinates then you may delete that particle and instantiate/addChild other particle at the position you deleted the first particle. :smiley:

Here are the pLists that you would get to similar effect
partcile 2 (4.0 KB)

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Also, you can create interesting thing, that keep setting the position of particle1 with position of touch, and when it is touchended just removeChild the particle1 and addChild the particle2 :smiley:

The link that you gave has very interesting effects which I don’t know how to achieve

Hey Thanks for the replay , ok didn’t noticed and you are right that its need to be 2 objects
one is the shooting particle and then the explosion .
ok this is starting point i wander if this is the right way , i will try to look at open source general ( not cocos2d ) examples
to see how they implemented it .

Hey, when you asked… I implemented that code the same way I told you… if you want the code I can explain you :smile:

And ya I didn’t get your line:


Did u mean that u r new to cocos2d-x and not feeling that particle implementation is the right way!!!
If this is so… then I would suggest that you try to implement whatever you’re impressed with… Why not even particles :smiley: