How to make a working Cocos2d-x Windows game working on other computers


I have a problem with making working game on the other computer on Windows. I use Visual Studio 2010 in Windows 7 to build and compile the project. The game works when I click the .exe file (adding before some .dll files to the folder) on my computer with Windows 7, but when I try to run it on Windows XP SP2 on other computer it doesn’t work. I use Release mode, not Debug of course. (I tried the other game - from this site - Tetris and it worked on the computer with Windows XP SP2)
Please, help me with this problem.

Has vs2010 Redistributable Package installed on WinXP PC ?
If not, have a try.

Thanks, it worked! :wink: But I think about how the Tetris from this website has been created… I didn’t install Redistributable Package in the past and Tetris worked without it on my other computer.

Read the following page, it goes into detail about linking dynamically and statically to the C runtime libraries:

The method does not work on Windows 7 64 bit
I tried to install the package but it still failed. (

And I google and see if any others could help. I follow the guide below and see whether we could solve the issue but the project solution cannot compile