How to make a sliding menu in cocos2dx in c++ in IOS game

I want to make a sliding menu just like the level menu in which on one screen there will be 40 sprites labelled as level 1 level 2 respectively up to 40.
At the bottom right there will be another sprite with a arrow to which when I click it should slide to other screen and show the levels 41 to 80.Please provide me with a basic concept how to use it.I will be thankful to you.
Note: I am using Xcode and only want solution in cocos2d-x in c++

I think I would make a Menu with all my buttons and recursively run setposition() on each so it looks like it is sliding when clicked or something. Wouldn’t be that hard. Give each a unique tag. move the button a bit each time (you would need to figure out screen width/height and the height on each button and how much space you wanted in between each button.

I actually do something like this when I am creating some HUDS in my games. I loop though a vector of buttons, add them to a menu and then run setPosition() on each based upon the position of the button before it in the vector.

You may try this

It works on v2.0. If you work on 3.0+, you need to update the code.