How to load local images on WebView

Hello every one.

I’m using this code to a report inside a game, witch is working fine on android, not on iOS. Any way I want to show some images from Resources folder inside that webView. How to manage that? I’m using v 3.5

WebView *webView = WebView::create();
webView->setPosition(Point(vs.width / 2, vs.height / 2));
webView->setContentSize(Size(vs.width, 931));
std::string text = "<html><body>" + report.text + "</body></html>";
webView->loadHTMLString(text.c_str(), "/");

I found out that replacing this line

webView->loadHTMLString(text.c_str(), "/");

with this will solve it.

webView->loadHTMLString(text.c_str(), "");