How to load images using cocos2d-x and how to compress images as ATITC, S3TC and 3DC ?

I found that the newest cocos2d-x supported ATITC, S3TC and 3DC on the wiki.
But I didn’t find any method to load them in the newest Github version. So I wonder how to load them as a CCSprite.

Also, I wonder how to compress a png as those format. I try to compress the image using nvidia-texture-tools, DirectX tool and photoshop plugin. But, to be honest, they are not easy to use. Is there any tools better like TexturePacker?

thx :slight_smile:

Actually, if you read the wiki more carefully, you’ll see that those three formats are listed as “TBD” — unimplemented. The wiki page refers to issue #2258, which has not been implemented.

Sam Borenstein wrote:

Actually, if you read the wiki more carefully, you’ll see that those three formats are listed as “TBD” — unimplemented. The wiki page refers to issue #2258, which has not been implemented.

I don’t know TBD means unplanned, thanks for your reminding.
Do you have any ideas about loading them WITHOUT Cocos2d-x?