How to know if batchNode has been drawn to the new position by Cocos2d-x engine

I have a batchNode and every tick I am scrolling it down , e.g. batchNode->setPositionY(—y); , so all its children are moving down. Now I wan’t to restrict the player from using some powers provided in game till batchNode is scrolled down.That is if player uses a power then I will check if bacthNode is scrolled ? if yes then I will take action if not then I will ignore the power used by player

How I can come to know that engine has finished rendering batchNode to the new position . We cannot use getPosition to know if it has been drawn there, as position will be updated immediately but rendering will take a little time, and I wan’t to allow player to wait till this little time to use any power.
Please note that I don’t wan’t to disable touches on those sprites representing powers in my game ,
Please share your thoughts.