How to intergrate a static library to iOS project ?

Hello every one.
I am facing a problem intergrating another lib to a iOS cocos2d-x project.
First, i created a new project with the command line, opened it in Xcode and it ran just fine.
(Please take a look at my attachment images, i could not put images here)
Then i added a libode.a (Open dynamic engine, I downloaded from and built it)
and the error appear, XCode says: ld: library not found for -lcurl

I don’t know what lcurl is and where it is.
Can you please tell me how to solve this ?

Thank you very much !

01.png (485.7 KB)

02.png (399.0 KB)

03.png (571.6 KB)

I think it’s here.

Thank you Nite Luo.