How to integrate PaymentBillingSystem With my Cocos2d-x Game....??

I am able to integrate PaymentBillingSystem with any andoird application…
But I am Unable to integrate PaymentBillingSystem with cocs2d-x Game.
Can anyone tell me how to achieve this???

I just attached the source file & manifest file of the project in which i done changes .
I have problem to start dungenus.class activity from Cocos2dxActivity class.
I want to start this activity on the onCreate of Cocos2dxActivity.
Please find the attached project. (52.2 KB) (52.9 KB) (0.8 KB)

This problems was already solved by this open source library -
You can either use it as a reference/sample code - it’s well documented
Or you can use it as a library/SDK - which is much simpler.