How to handle android back button?

I am trying to handle back button press in my Cocos2D javascript game. I am using the following code in my Layer class.

var self = this;

        event: cc.EventListener.KEYBOARD,

        onKeyPressed: function(keyCode, event)
            if (keyCode == cc.KEY.back)

But it is not working. I am getting no response upon pressing back button. What am I doing wrong?

I have this and it works:

            event: cc.EventListener.KEYBOARD,
            onKeyReleased: this.onKeyReleased
        }, this);

onKeyReleased: function (key, event) {
        var target = event.getCurrentTarget();
        switch(key) {
            case cc.KEY.back:
            case cc.KEY.home:

May be the problem is in the self var ? I would use target, as in my code, to get the layer.

Edit: onkeyreleased is a function of the layer.


Thank you. It worked when I replaced onKeyPressed with onKeyReleased. Any idea why onKeyPressed was not working?

I am guessing that the Android code doesn’t pass pressed states for back buttons.

I have noticed this comparing Windows and Android implementations in 2.2.6, may very well be true on latest.