How to get started with cocos2d-x v3 (python not working)


a “small” problem here, I can’t build cocos2dx since 2.1.4.

So how I’m suposed to get cocos2dx DLLS and libs ?

2.1.3 builds just fine with “build-win32.bat”
But since v2.1.4 it does not want to, and Visual Studio does not like building it :smiley:
Isn’t it like building with Visual Studio 2012 should work ?

here are Errors directing to different tries:

If not exist “CocosDragonJSRes”" plapla (code 4)
and “CrystalCrazeRes” (code 4)

Seems to build just like “Newest GibHub” without libcocos2dx.dll etc.

Some Errors with “libwebsocket”

Newest GitHub[Debug]:
works, but libcocos2dx.dll missing ? (normal?)

Newest GitHub[Release]:
include etc1.h missing ?

So 2 Questions:

  1. Is it normal that since 2.1.4 there isn’t any libcocos2dx.dll and some other dlls are missing ?
  2. Is it normal that Release mode does not work at all ?


Unbenannt.PNG (87.0 KB)

You could add this bat to your zips,
it’s a small “Project Name and Platform”~~asking bat.
Here’s the Source

@echo off
echo .
echo .
echo . ## Welcome to ##
echo .
echo . #### #### #### #### # #
echo . ## ## # # # # #
echo . ## ## ## ## #### # # # – ##
echo . ## # # ## # # ### # # # # #
echo . #### ## #### ## #### ##### #### # #

echo .
echo . ## project-creator batch script ##
echo .
echo .
echo .
echo . chose the project name
set /p name=. Project name:
echo .
echo . chose the package name
set /p package=. Package name:
IF not defined package set package=name
echo .
echo . chose programming language:
echo . cpp = ios, android, win32, mac, linux
echo . lua = ios, android, win32. mac, linux
echo . javascript = ios, android, win32
set /p language=. Language :
echo .
echo . Create project with these settings ?
echo . Project name: name
echo . Package name: package
echo . Language: language
set /p question=. :
if “question” equ “N” goto end
if “question” equ “n” goto end name k packagel language



Someone following ?

I can’t build a release version of any cocos2d-x game I make (beta 3)

In Debug there are no problems, but when I try release it tells
CCImageComon_cpp.h #include “etc1.h” is missing (no such file)

And LNK1181: “libcocos2d.lib” can’t be opened

Don’t really know what that means yet.
I can’t find anyone else having this same problem.

Please :frowning: