How to get "polyline points" of tmx?

part of tmx about objectgroup

<object name=“Object” x=“0” y=“992” width=“352” height=“32”/>
<object name=“Object” x=“224” y=“928” width=“160” height=“32”/>
<object name=“platform” type=“platform” x=“2” y=“833” width=“125” height=“60”>

<object gid=“38” x=“181” y=“818”/>
<object gid=“38” x=“155” y=“763”/>
<object x=“693” y=“891”>

<object x=“469” y=“783”>


I want get value of “polygon points”
cocos2d-x code
CCTMXTiledMap map = getChildByTag;
group = map~~>objectGroupNamed;
CCArray *array = group~~>getObjects();
CCDictionary* dict;
CCObject* pObj = NULL;
dict = (CCDictionary
const char
key = “x”;
int x = ((CCString*)dict~~>objectForKey)>intValue();
key = “y”;
int y = ((CCString*)dict
key = “width”;
int width = ((CCString*)dict
key = “height”;
int height = ((CCString*)dict


I can get “X” “Y” “width” “height” but I don’t know how to get polygon points
I am a new leaner ,please help me ,thank you !

you can use the following code piece to retrieve the polygon points:

CCDictionary* dict = (CCDictionary**)objectGroup~~>getObjects~~>lastObject;
CCArray* points = dict~~>objectForKey;
for ; ++i) {
CCDictionary* dict2 = points~~>objectAtIndex;
const char** key = “x”;
int x = ((CCString**)dict2~~>objectForKey)>intValue;
key = “y”;
int y = dict2
CCLOG (“x=%d, y=%d”,x,y);
It seems you can’t retrieve polyline points with the newest version of cocos2d-x, you can refer to CCTMXXMLParse.cpp , line 623 for more infomation.
the parse codes of polyline are missing, if you want wo retrieve the polyline points, you can refer to this thread:
I don’t test the above code either, so be careful and wish you good luck.
In the above code, you’d better add name property to each polygon and polyline object, so you can use objectGroup
>objectName to retrieve the desired object.
then you can use the following code to retrieve polyline & polygon:
CCTMXObjectGroup objectGroup = tiledMap~~>objectGroupNamed;
CCDictionary* dict = objectGroup~~>objectNamed;
points = dict~~>objectForKey;
for ; ++i) {
CCDictionary** dict2 = (CCDictionary*)points~~>objectAtIndex;
const char* key = “x”;
int x = dict2~~>objectForKey(“x”))>intValue;
key = “y”;
int y = dict2
CCLOG (“x=%d, y=%d”,x,y);
CCDictionary **polyline = objectGroup
CCLOG (“polyline=%s”, ((CCString*)polyline~~>objectForKey)>getCString);
CCArray *array = objectGroup
CCObject** pObj = NULL;
dict = pObj;
const char* key = “x”;
int x = dict~~>objectForKey(key))>intValue;
key = “y”;
int y = dict
key = “width”;
int width = dict
key = “height”;
int height = dict
CCLOG (“x=%d, y= %d, width=%d, height=%d”,x,y,width,height);

This is my tmx file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<map version=“1.0” orientation=“orthogonal” width=“20” height=“10” tilewidth=“32” tileheight=“32”>



<object name=“StartPoint” x=“14” y=“151” width=“18” height=“18”/>
<object name=“first” x=“213” y=“47”>

<object name=“second” x=“418” y=“52”>



and my output:
Cocos2d: x=0, y=0
Cocos2d: x=96, y=96
Cocos2d: x=137, y=5
Cocos2d: polyline=0,0 79,~~4
Cocos2d: x=14, y= 151, width=18, height=18
Cocos2d: x=213, y= 273, width=0, height=0
Cocos2d: x=418, y= 268, width=0, height=0

if you want to retrieve x,y property from polyline, you can refer to CCTMXXMLParse.cpp , line 623 for more infomation.

Your solution is very good Guanghui, but this solution doesn’t work unless we modify the CCTMXXMLParser.cpp class file.

I had to copy code from the condition else if (elementName == "polygon") to else if (elementName == "polyline")

Then your code works perfect!

I hope cocos2d-x team will add the code in their future release of sdk. :slight_smile: