how to fit Android multiresolution better?

I have already finished ipad edition (1024 * 768) a game, and now I want to have it transplanted into the Android, to realize the full screen display, do not take the black side.
At present, I have two ideas:
First, the use of cocos2d - x encapsulated setDesignResolutionSize (1024, 768) function to realize self adaptation, this kind of method brings an obvious question is, in the Android mobile phone above shows, there is the edge of the black.
Now for the plan, I have an idea, I want to take the game background picture full of the Android mobile phone, then the game scene using similar anger bird way scaling, but I found a problem is that setDesignResolutionSize (1024, 768) this function is to use EglView directly out of the picture. So, in my game scene, no matter how do I set my background picture size, it is I use setDesignResolutionSize (1024, 768) this function set size to show?
Second, different points of the aspect ratio of the Android mobile phone to adaptation. If I setDesignResolutionSize (1280, 720), at this time, I need to do a set of the proportion of the picture, there is I need to adjust my original game of some element position, then when I transplanted into Android above, as long as it is opened resolution cell phone, it can generate, and is the full screen. This method brings a problem is, if I had the game elements set position of time not use relative position, it will appear deviation, still have even if I have to do the game picture, and I can only fit in the Android opened model. If I want to fit other proportion of mobile phone, that and I have to do the above steps.
Trouble guiding me, thank you!
Due to my English level is finite, use youdao dictionary automatic translation, look not to understand the place trouble please understanding!
This is the Chinese Link :

You can refer to how HelloCpp deal with multi-resolution at v2.0.3.
Besides setDesignResolutionSize, another key point is CCDirectorget::getVisibleSize() & CCDirector::getVisibleOrign()