How to find if some characters can not be rendered in Label?

auto label = Label::createWithTTF("abcdef", "Some.TTF", 30.f);

Let’s assume that Some.TTF doesn’t have c character to display.
This label will show only abdef.

Then, can I find what character can not be displayed?
or, can I check if there is a missing character with Label?

So you will have to check this, but you could get the font atlas from the label using getFontAtlas and then call getLetterDefinitionForChar to see if there is a definition for the character in the atlas. It’s just a map lookup, so you could iterate over all characters. You could also make this an offline process. If you pull all your strings out of the code into a text file, then you could check the file against the font atlases separately from the app which would be much better. Also, having your strings in a separate text file is good if you want to localize your app into different languages, and again you can run your check against the atlas for each language.

@mannewalis Thanks for the tips.

I’m trying to check Label can handle all characters when user inputs some strings, like custom name.
I’ll try your suggestion.
Thank you again.