How to export skeleton files like those provided in cpp-tests/Resources/armature/knignt.xml and ,plist and .png

The Source code is at Classes/ExtensionsTest/CocoStudioArmatureTest/ArmatureScene.cpp and .h

But I can only export .ExportJson & .plist & .png files using CocoStudio

Which tool exprted the .xml & .plist & .png files?

You can use CocoStudio, export to *.png, *.plist, *.ExportJson then use in cocos2d-x like:

CCArmatureDataManager::sharedArmatureDataManager()->addArmatureFileInfo(“Angry0.png”,“Angry0.plist”,“Angry.ExportJson”);//Nạp 3 file từ Resource (Các bạn nên viết ở file )
CCArmature *armature = CCArmature::create(“Angry”);// init amarture