How to edit my js code?

can i get a auto-complete js editor? I try vs, dreamweaver, 1st JavaScript Editor, but they can not do auto-complete,can anyone help me?

fish hong wrote:

can i get a auto-complete js editor? I try vs, dreamweaver, 1st JavaScript Editor, but they can not do auto-complete,can anyone help me?

This question is still somewhat unanswerable ATM… I understand jetbrains’ webstorm is the “best” tool available for working with JS, but of course, it isn’t free.

Looking at what’s available for a 0$ budget, I’ve found this wikipedia entry to be quite promising:

Problem is: it’s a long list! For the time being, I’m working with cloud9 free edition, I’ve successfully set it up to work on ftp with my 000webhost account without a hitch, autocompletion is not that good, but it’s something (press Ctrl+Space for it to pop-up, don’t expect “visual-studio-like behaviour”), and the inline JSHint comes really handy.

Scripted promises the most powerful auto-completition experience and sounds awesome and powerfull, but I just couldn’t make it work properly on my system… Brackets also sounds good, but it’s still too early.

The project sounded awesome, but it failed it’s kickstarter campaing pretty badly and I haven’t heard anything from the devs after that, I hope they keep going tho’…

On a “Visual Studio” related note, I haven’t propperly tested out it’s javascript-editing capabilities, I understand the free (aka express) editions should work, but all I dared to try is microsoft’s webstorm matrix, veredict: it’s stupidly slow for a javascript editing tool, and it’s iphone/ipad emulator didn’t quite work.

EDIT: after going back and forth with some other editors for a while, I ended up coming back to my favorite multi-purpose one: Notepad++

fish hong wrote:

can i get a auto-complete js editor? I try vs, dreamweaver, 1st JavaScript Editor, but they can not do auto-complete,can anyone help me?

For my experience,
I am using SUBLIME to edit js code.

We also recommend WebStorm, though it is not free.

Shun Lin wrote:

We also recommend WebStorm, though it is not free.
Hi, Shun Lin,
Can I import coco2d-JSB Library into WebStrom?
I want to get convenience to know which function I can use when typing.

I read a lot of hype about WebStorm, but was disappointed. It’s buggy (frequent visual glitches on my PC) and awkward to me (autocompletion not showing up when I’d expect it to). I wouldn’t mind if it was free, but it’s not. Maybe I’m just picky.

@Simon: you can configure your WebStorm project to use certain JS files as autocompletion sources. See:

What about CocoStudio, doesn’t it support autocompletion? I plan to try it soon.

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Has anyone here tried the Tizen IDE/SDK?

It’s a 1.7GB download if you download the whole thing, but it seems promising and there are some very good tutorials on using Tiled and Box2D with cocos2d-html5 in that site, so maybe it’s got good support?

EDIT: alright, I’ve downloaded and attempted to try out the tizen IDE, but I just could’nt get it to work right, it’s a shame really.

Aditionally, I’ve tried Aptana3, Komodo, Brackets ( ) and Scripted ( ). The one that does the most out of them to my liking right now is Scripted (Scripted does a fine job inferring/guessing the functions and properties available from the code in your own application).

The issue with most editors that use JSHint is the constant bother of having “cc is not defined” as an error in most lines of your code, to “fix” that simply add /*global cc*/ at the top of any .js file in which you encounter this error (no, it won’t give you proper code assist, but at least you’ll be able to concentrate in your code better :smiley: ).

And yet another update: it turns out, has been greatly improved since last time I tried it! And currently, if you add some plugins it does everything I missed from other editors. For anyone stumbling upon this post, I’m using these plugins: Beautify, Brackets Language Switcher, CSSLint, Indent Guides, Interactive Linter, Match Highlighter, PHPLint for Brackets, Select Lines, Simple JS Code Hints and WD Minimap.

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