How to draw a rectangle

I’m new using Cocos2d-x HTML5, I come from Corona SDK and I want to learn this powerful tool to develope my own games.

I’ve been trying to draw a white rectangle after reading the API Reference for 2.2.3 version but I have no success… Here is my code at init function:

this._super(); this.drawShapes = new cc.DrawNodeCanvas(); this.rectOrigin = new cc.Point(0, 50); this.rectDestination = new cc.Point(300, 0); this.whiteColor = new cc.Color4F(1,1,1,1); this.drawShapes.drawRect(this.rectOrigin, this.rectDestination, this.whiteColor, 1, this.whiteColor);

Someone could tell me what I am doing wrong? I think solution should be easy but I can’t deal with it…


Thank you!

I’ve solved this issue using the next code:

this.blank_rectangle = cc.Sprite.create(); this.blank_rectangle.setColor(cc.white()); this.blank_rectangle.setPosition(size.width / 2, 35); this.blank_rectangle.setTextureRect(cc.rect(0, 0, size.width, 70)); this.blank_rectangle.setOpacity(180); this.addChild(this.blank_rectangle, 2);

I think there is not a good way to do it however it works… Could someone tell me how to implement it correctly?

Thank you!

In cocos2d-js 3.0a2 this works:

    this.drawNode = cc.DrawNode.create();
    this.drawNode.drawRect(new b2Vec2(100,100), new b2Vec2(300,300),
                           cc.color(255,255,255,128), 1 , cc.color(255,255,255,128) );

@lavizrap It does not work in the 2.2.3 version… I am waiting the 3.0 final version, after its release I will start with it.

Anyway thank you for your help!

I tried the solution of @lavizrap using this code:

this.rectangle = cc.DrawNode.create();
this.rectangle.drawRect(cc.p(50,50), cc.p(200,300), cc.color(255,0,0,255), 3, cc.color(0,255,0,255));

I’m using Cocos Creator version v1.0. Unfortunately I received this error:

Simulator : jsb: ERROR: File ..\auto\jsb_cocos2dx_auto.cpp: Line: 2944, Function: js_cocos2dx_Node_setParent
Simulator : Invalid Native Object
Simulator : C:/CocosCreator/resources/app.asar.unpacked/utils/simulator/win32//src/jsb_polyfill.js:16858:Error: Invalid Native Object

How can I solve the problem?

We use this way even in 3.x because Sprite’s can be batched. This is probably not important for cocos2d-js canvas rendering. We add a 1x1 pixel texture (with any 2x for hd, etc) that gets packed with our other textures. Wrap it up in a nice little createSpriteRect(color, size) function and then set position/opacity and add as child like you must with any node.

The DrawNode is still supported in the CocosCreator API, but strangely, it isn’t listed in the API. (I almost used raw bitmap data to implement my own draw node, creating a cc.Texture2D and using initWithData( , , , ), but that was insane)
What happens is that our cc.Node is a logical node and not a renderer node, which is a _ccsg.Node (the old cocos2d-JS cc.Node), there is some information about those preserved objects.

So the trick is just to access the _sgNode object (the renderer node) inside your logical node object (the new Cocos Creator Node).

        this.rectangle = new cc.DrawNode();
        this.rectangle.drawRect(cc.p(50,50), cc.p(200,300), cc.color(255,0,0,255), 3, cc.color(0,255,0,255));
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