How to display gif?

gif not support.
please add gif format.

thank you.

Why use gif format?

I am developing online board game.
Use gif image(avatar) on board game.


I think you can use animation and particle to do the same thing.
I don’t know if gif format is useful for other developers.
We will support it if most developers need it.

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thank you

It might help. We’re currently doing some FB integration including avatar pictures and apparently FB gives a .gif as default avatar picture if no specific picture has been set by the user.


Of course we could use our own default pictures in those cases, but .gif support would help us here.

Minggo Zhang wrote:

Why use gif format?
I think gif format will save resource well than else on the animation.

GIF will save only disk space, but not memory neither processor time. It provides key frame animation with compression between frames, but each frame still should be decoded and sent to videocard (since cocos2d draws scene using OpenGL). There are no benefit from deconding all frames before rendering because decoded frames allocate the same space as set of frames in any other format.

So cocos2dx allows to use action-based and skeletal animation, but key frame based animation is limited to set of PNG sprites.

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Is cocos2d-x currently supporting GIF fromat?

No if you read this thread you should have the Anwser

thanks for your reply