How to disable DEBUG mode when packaging (or building) qnx project ?

I try to sign my application .bar file using the following command

blackberry-signer -verbose -cskpass <your CSK password> -keystore <your P12 file> -storepass <your P12 file password> <> RDK

The result I get telling me that

Error = Code signing request failed because Application-Development-Mode in Manifest is present and is not set to .
Error: Code signing request failed because Application-Development-Mode in Manifest is present and is not set to .

So I need to find a way to disable DEBUG mode when building my project. I use QNX MOmentics IDE Version: 2.0.0 Build id: 201202171813 to build my project, and I cannot find any option to alter the build setting regarding to DEBUG option.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance.

Note: I also posted this on Blackberry support community

Okay guys, the problem is solved.

I need to export it with different way than Debug, please see, its reply contains the solution on how to do that. But for additional information, I have to set each sub project (cocos2d-x, Box2d, CocosDenshion) build target to be Device-Release and build it before we will export our main project. If we don’t do that, when we build the main one, it won’t find the result library to link to.

By the way, after this problem is solved I found another one, but this is much related to RIM rather than cocos2d-x. So I would closed this thread now.

Thanks !