How to decrease Gravity in Sample Flappy Bird Source Code

Hey guys,

So, I’m learning how to program with this Flappy Bird demo:

And its cool. Although, i would like to know how I can decrease the Gravity on the game? everytime i have to click like 3 times to keep it on level, its even harder to make it fligh higher. Thank you :).

That’s a third party game tutorial, maybe you can contact the author directly @touchsnow

I think you could make the bird rise higher by changing the value at
var riseHeight = 60;

If you’re learning - I’d just try looking at some of the code, and changing some values, and see what effect it has - it’s a great way to get to understand code sometimes…

Try changing the value of 50 in

        cc.Spawn.create(cc.RotateTo.create(time, 90), cc.MoveTo.create(time, cc.p(birdX, 50))))

to a lower value, for example.