How to create PolyShape with Chipmunk, PhysicsEditor and JSB?

Hello everyone!
I want to create PolyShapes with PhysicsEditor .plist generated file in my Chipmunk game. I found that example, but its written for iOS in ObjC.
What interests me most is that fragment of code:

// load physics data
 [[GCpShapeCache sharedShapeCache] addShapesWithFile:@"shapedefs.plist"];

and this:

// create physics shape
    cpBody *body = [[GCpShapeCache sharedShapeCache] createBodyWithName:name inSpace:space withData:sprite];

Do you know how to do it with JSB? I read Chipmunk.js file and Chipmunk documentation and I can’t see any fragment of code about ShapeCache or loading verts from .plist file.
Thanks in advance!

I am also dealing with this problem. I don’t think anybody has written a JavaScript-based importer for chipmunk yet.


currently there are no available plist importer yet, but you can easily write your own, a polygon shape is merely just an array of vertex in anti-clockwise order