How to create CocosStudio project with design files only?

Hey Developers,

Can I create just a CocosStudio project (design files only) without creating and entire Cocos project for it. ??
Currently, while creating a CocosStudio project, it asks me to create a Cocos Project along with it.

I just want to create design files just like the .ccb in CocosBuilder and a project holding these files.
If I see it correctly, these files would be sufficient to integrate Studio design files inside a Cocos project that was created separately using cocos console -

  1. MyGame.ccs
  2. MyGame.cfg
  3. Your resources inside the res directory of Resources directory.

Is there any way to do it ?
Is there a way to just create design project files using commands like cocos console. !!

Thanks in advance.


any update on this ??

I am really looking forward to this …
@slackmoehrle could you please guide me here ??

Thanks in advance.

I don’t know the answer. I hope that someone does. Cocos Studio is EOL’d.

Unfortunately, it is not there is newer versions to create design files only.

But, I did find a work around.
I had one project, I did so -

  1. File > Save As > xyz.ccs
  2. config.json,
    cocosstudio folder into my project ROOT folder.

3.Did all the necessary changes required to my design files and pushed changes to Xcode.

One most important part to remember while doing all these is
you must give your design project the same name as your xcode project.

So, if your xcode project is MyGame.xcodeproj
you must name the design project as well MyGame.ccs

So basicaly, one would need the 4 things mentioned in step 2 to add the design project to cocos project.

Hope it helps someone.

I not really understand why you want only the design files.
Cocos Studio handles for you all platform independent contents, code bases, etc.

what if you created a project using cocos console ??

it doesn’t include the studio project unless you create using cocos app

Cocos Studio files are only 3 files. Every others are for building. Not?

Yes, exactly but I am afraid copying and pasting from one project to another wouldn’t work
also there a config file.

If it’s working for you let me know.
that would be really time saving.

Sorry, i have no time for that.

Well then.

I guess the workaround would do the job.

For me the easiest way to work:
Cocos Studio project content handling (assetst, scenes, etc)
Then publish to xcode. Then every coding, testing on xcode. Parallel console run for android test. That’s all.

@pabitrapadhy well i do a lot of copy and paste of cocos studio files and they work ok till you keep new nodes out of .ccs and import them…

Thanks @padmnabh

I figured that our later.
I guess there were some commands earlier to create just the studio files, but I couldn’t remember.

Yeh… but as it’s dying don’t know how much cocos studio will be usefull soon.