How to Create a New Cocos2d-x Project in Linux Mint 64-bit? *SOLVED*

Hello, everyone. Earlier this week I discovered Cocos2d-x, and became fascinated by the framework. I use Linux Mint 17.1 64-bit. I’ve installed the dependencies from the file, I’ve run the instructions from here, yet I can only run the cpp-tests from it.

A friend and I are working in a C++ game using Allegro, though I believe Cocos2d-x would be better for us in the long run. Problem is, I can’t manage to create a new Cocos2d-x project. Everytime I run the cocos new MyGame -p com.MyCompany.MyGame -l cpp -d ~/MyCompany command in the terminal I get the following message:

No command 'cocos' found, did you mean:
 Command 'cocoj' from package 'coco-java' (universe)
 Command 'cococs' from package 'coco-cs' (universe)
cocos: command not found

Any help on how to get the project up and running is welcome.

EDIT: By the way, I am using Cocos2d-x V3.4.

I have a found a solution to my problem. Apparently, the submodules were not update. I’ll remember to use recurse when cloning a repo the next time instead of updating the submodules after cloning.

This post helped.