How to create a CCMenuItemImage/CCMenuItemSprite which do nothing on selected or pressed??


I have such a little issue like given below.
There is a predefined function in CCMenu Subclasses—>
CCMenuItemSprite itemFromNormalSprite *
itemFromNormalImage (const char normalImage, const charselectedImage)*

But I want a function in which there are no any selectedSprite/selectedImage(means not required second argument).
I have such a requirement to create a button which do nothing on selected…Is there any function ???
Or how to achieve this functionality

Thanks to all, Who one reply.

You can use the same sprite or image as normal sprite or image.

Is there no any function to do this without repeating the image???

I think There is one problem of using the same image, action is not performed on click that button…

menuItem1 = CCMenuItemImage::itemFromNormalImage(“PlayB.png”,“PlayB.png”,this,menu_selector(StartGame::playButtonPressed));
CCMenu* playMenu = CCMenu::menuWithItems(menuItem1, NULL);
playMenu~~>setPosition, 40));

Given below function is called on click the button

CCLog(“insdie ButtonPressed”);
CCMenuItemImage menuItem1 = (CCMenuItemImage) pSender;
CCFiniteTimeAction action1 = CCScaleTo::actionWithDuration;
action2 = CCScaleTo::actionWithDuration(1.0f,1.2f);
menuItem1->runAction(CCSequence::actions(action1, action2, NULL)); //menuItem1 is globally defined as CCMenuItemImage type

Why this action is not performed, Individually this action work as designed but on click this do nothing