How to change of point of origin to left top corner.

How can I ease change the point of origin to left top corner for all platforms?
As much as I understand, Android has it point of origin in the left top corner and therefor the application for portraitmode should be rotated in landscape mode?

Cocos2d use opengl coordinates, in other words, Cartesian Coordinates. The original point is at the bottom-left corner.
The author of Little Lost Chick tried to change original point to top-left, just like UI systems. But eventually he had to deal with many problems, and tell me he will never change the original point in other games.

Think in opengl coordinates if you are making a game.

Thank you very much.

What about android?
Why should the screen be rotated on Android? Probably it is not a problem for the most of Android devices, but it is noticeably e.g. on Amazon Fire, as the system menu appears from the side.