How to build android game/app for Android 2.1?

Hi, I was trying to create an android cocos2d-x project for Android 2.1 but the lowest version I could go is 2.3.
I am using cocos2d-2.0-x-2.0.4
So how can I create an android 2.1 project? Do I need to use older version of cocos2d-x?
The reason I am trying to create a 2.1 project is because I want my android game to support my old 2.1 android.
Currently, I cannot install my game on my old 2.1 android since the minimum platform is 2.3 and I cannot build any lower than that with the current cocos2d-x i’m using.

I hope somebody can help me and point me to the right direction.



I believe cocos2d-x 2.x uses openGL ES 2.0 which is not available prior to Android 2.3