How to bring the UI from Cocostudio to the Cocos2dx source code?

I have opened the UI Editor of Cocostudio, have chosen from the samples the login UI, and exported it. Cocostudio exported a JSON and some images in Resources directory. Then I have used tools\project-creator\tools\ and created a project on my Desktop. (I am using Windows 7, Visual Studio Express 2013). Now I want to execute my app and see the login dialog. But can not compile it. I don’t know what libs and header directories I need to add to my project and how I should do that. Please help me to do my first step on Cocos2dx. Thanks in advance.

Please see the TestCPP project on Windows platform. (Cocos2d-x 2.2.2 or 3.0beta).
And there is a Sample which is named “CocosGUITest”.

Thank you. There are lots of problems because of API extensive changes :(. The old tutorials and examples mainly are not valid and don’t compile. I hope this will end soon, and we will we able to learn and use Cocos2d-x easily.
The last part of “How to use” talks about how to use exported json UI file in projects. I’ve tried that, it works well.