How to attach TOUCH FUNCTIONALITY to each class

For example you have Player class and Enemy class and Dog class and Donkey class.
You want to attach touch functionality to each class, how do you do that?

I think I am not messing it with the question you asked on a different postā€¦,and I hope you wonā€™t mind my answering to be intruding. :smiley:


You donā€™t actually attach touch functionality to classesā€¦ You actually attach it to the nodeā€¦
So as long as some class is extending some node like layer, sprite, scene, etc then you can attach itā€¦

Also, the way is simpleā€¦

    listener =EventListenerTouchOneByOne::create();

    listener->onTouchBegan = CC_CALLBACK_2(HelloWorld::onTouchBegan,this);
    listener->onTouchMoved = CC_CALLBACK_2(HelloWorld::onTouchMoved,this);
    listener->onTouchEnded = CC_CALLBACK_2(HelloWorld::onTouchEnded,this);


Here HelloWorls class is extending my layer class(and layer is a node type)
You always have to remember that youā€™re adding your listener to _eventDispatcherā€¦ and you donā€™t have to create object for thisā€¦ you can straight away use _eventDispatcher or else you can use singleton class Director to get the eventdispatcherā€¦

Now, see the ā€˜thisā€™ keyword inside
This is the target where we are attaching the listener.
So, that means if youā€™re using ā€˜thisā€™ keyword it means that ā€˜thisā€™ is your class which is extending some nodeā€¦

You can also use different node instead of ā€˜thisā€™.
I mean suppose youā€™re having a 3 sprites-all created and setted inside layer class.
And if you want to add event listener only to those 5 spritesā€¦
Then follow the below thing

    listener =EventListenerTouchOneByOne::create();

    listener->onTouchBegan = CC_CALLBACK_2(HelloWorld::onTouchBegan,this);
    listener->onTouchMoved = CC_CALLBACK_2(HelloWorld::onTouchMoved,this);
    listener->onTouchEnded = CC_CALLBACK_2(HelloWorld::onTouchEnded,this);


Noteā€¦ I am not exactly sure whether it is clone() or whatā€¦ But use auto complete and there should be something like clone or I guess this is correct :smiley:

Did I answer your question fully?

@catch_up thanks for your efforts man. well I understand your example sprite1, sprite2 & sprite3 using the same _eventDispatcher. But note that since they use the same ā€˜listenerā€™, they perform the same actions.

since the listener is attached to HelloWorld::onTouchBegan, ā€¦ all of them will do the same thing when i press them.

What if i wanted to do this. when i press sprite1, the ā€˜touchā€™ will say ā€œHELLOā€.
if i press sprite2, the ā€˜touchā€™ will say ā€˜HANDSOMEā€™
if i press sprite3, the ā€˜touchā€™ will say ā€œMEOWā€.

Try this :wink:

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hey thanks @StainzE I think this is what Im looking for hahahaha!