How to add reference in windows phone 8 project

Hi, i m creating a project in c++ for windows phone 8. working with visual studio 2012 and i want to add a .dll file to my project as a reference.

Did you get any solution?
If yes, please let me know.

In C++:
As the link said, you cannot directly add it as a reference.
In cocos2d-x, we used to create a static library or a dynamic library in windows phone, while you own the code, rebuild again. Don’t directly add the lib or dll that builds in win32, may result with unexpected error.
right click and select “Add Reference”, select “Extensions” tab in Reference Mangager. The dll should support wp8 first and may build in c++/cx.

I have created game in cocos2d-x wp8 and there is no place to add reference to project.

for example: in HelloCpp-XAML: there are two ways as following

  1. right click HelloCpp => “Add Reference” => “Browse” to directly add a dll in your local path.
  2. right click HelloCpp => “Add Reference” => “Assemblies” => “Extensions” add reference that you already install. like .msi file in this link