How to add particles in cocos-html5

I’m trying to add particles to my scene in cocos-html5 but I’m having trouble. I downloaded the basic HelloWorld and added the following lines:

var emitter = cc.ParticleSystem.create("fog-particle.plist");
emitter.setPosition(size.width / 2, size.height / 2);
emitter.texture = cc.textureCache.addImage("fog-particle.png");
this.addChild(emitter, 99);

However nothing is showing up. The drawcount gets increased by 1 so something gets added but nothing shows up. All my files are in the same folder and I know the plist file is good because I literally dragged it out of my c++ project where it works fine. Any idea on how to make this work? Any good and modern resources on this stuff?

EDIT: There seems to be a problem with reading my plist file. I got particles to work in the “cocos run -p web” version of cocos-html5 by adding my plist to the resource.js file and referencing that name. However in the cocos-html5 version that’s downloaded from the website, this resource.js file doesn’t exist and I have no idea how to reference my plist. Any ideas?