How to add class to nodes from json scenes?

I try to setup my game levels in layers in Cocos Studio, export them and load into a my game scene.
Because I’m new to cocos and javascript, I have no idea how to control nodes (coins, stones…) imported with the level layer. I could create controllers, get children by name and pass the node it to the controllers constructor. But isn’t there any parser/reader or factory to create my custom objects that extend the nodes created in the Cocos Studio? Or am I supposed to create levels with Tiled map editor?

I think it has something to do with the function “registerParser(widget, parse)” in load.js. Would be great if anybody has an example for such a parser implementation.
I’m on Cocos2d-js v3.6.1

Did you find the solution? if there is one…

No solution for that till now. I think registering a custom parser would not be the correct way to add controllers to game objects. If I understand it correctly, the ccs parsers are used when you (pre)load studio stuff, but I want to add controllers to nodes when they are created. So the controllers should be added when creating nodes from a cocos studio json file. I use this code to create preloaded studio stuff:

var myScene = ccs.load(res.MyScene_json).node;

For now I extend cc.Component to create my components/controllers and add them to nodes via addComponent() function.

var comp = new CoinComponent();
var coin = myScene.getChildByName("coin");

Maybe it is better to work with Tiled to create levels and use Cocos Studio just for game screens. In Tiled you could create object layers and loop through them to create the nodes with controllers by your own. It is also easier to have an overview of the custom properties of your objects with Tiled. In Cocos Studio you only have one field for “User Data”.