How to add AdMob to my Cocos2d-x project?

Hello. I know that this questions was already asked here:

But I still cannot get admob to work in my IOS game.

I followed all of the steps in the official google tutorial:

Which is explained well in this video tutorial here:

The application builds and runs but no ad ever shows up like in the video tutorial. I am thinking this is probably because it has to be done some special way for cocos2d-x. Or should it have worked?

Do I have to do something different when incorperating admob with cocos2d-x v.s. just a normal application?

I saw that Simon Lin’s successfully implemented admob in his chicken eggs game. And that he posted some code on his blog here:

Looking at this code alone does not readily explain a solution to the problem.

I fail to understand what needs to be done differently when integrating admon with cocos2d-x.

Could someone give me a hint on how to proceed with this?

Any help on how to proceed with this would be greatly appreciated.

AnyOne to answer it? Its been long since this has been posted… is there any luck Marc? Adds are working fine with Android… but In IOS its not showing up at all… and yeah for iOS, i have used the tutorial that has been given on admob official site. what i think, the problem is, cocos 2d-x layer is somehow on top of the ad view… but whatever adds are not showing up :frowning:

Edwin van Poeijer pointed me to, will try this in this case is inner-active but should be similar.

fahad shafique wrote:

AnyOne to answer it? Its been long since this has been posted… is there any luck Marc? Adds are working fine with Android… but In IOS its not showing up at all… and yeah for iOS, i have used the tutorial that has been given on admob official site. what i think, the problem is, cocos 2d-x layer is somehow on top of the ad view… but whatever adds are not showing up :frowning:

Same problem in cocos2d-x IOS version with Admob. Any yet I can only find the ios with cocos2d version but not cocos2d-x Still hope someone can have solution ~