how is animations.plist created?

hello, I’ve been learning animation with TestCpp comes with cocos2d-x, and found some code like: cache->addAnimationsWithFile(“animations/animations-2.plist”); which seems to be very easy to use, also mentioned in wiki as well.

But the question is, how is this plist file created? I have found things like parseVersion1/parseVersion2 in CCAnimationCache, so I think there has to be some tool with versions. But I can’t find what is it after search for quite a while, so do I miss anything? Thanks.

Hi there

you can create this kind of animation plist with texturepacker

a full tutorial can be found here

there is also a more advanced tool here

Hao Wu wrote:

Hi there
you can create this kind of animation plist with texturepacker
a full tutorial can be found here
there is also a more advanced tool here

thanks a lot for your reply!

I have checked texture packer and the tutorial you referred to before, and it is not what I am talking about. However, Sprite Helper 2 in your second link is EXACTLY what I’m looking for! I tested the latest version, it is not exactly the same with what I found in TestCpp’s resource (they have added comments leads to this tool now, which could have saved lots of searching time ), but I can tell the structure is basically the same thing.

Many thanks!