How do i dispatch N node actions animation with delay between them

Basically i want to be able to dispatch movement animation of N number of sprites
the first one is at the start the second is 10 px behind him and the third sprite 10px
behind the second. and so on … the problem is when i loop the vector of sprites i like to animate they all move in the same time . this is what i have :

 Vector<Node*> OnlyCoinsContainertChildren = this->pOnlyCoinsContainer->getChildren();
    for (auto iter = OnlyCoinsContainertChildren.begin(); iter != OnlyCoinsContainertChildren.end(); ++iter) 
        Sign* pCoin = static_cast<Sign*>(*iter); 
        if(pCoin->getTag() == COIN)
             auto action1 = Sequence::create(
                    // DelayTime::create(1.0f),
                     CallFunc::create( std::bind(&SolutionContainer::CoinsToScoreViewAnimationCallback,


void SolutionContainer::CoinsToScoreViewAnimationCallback(Node* sender)

Just giving a basic idea here:
You need to create and the run the animations incrementally . Create a variable that tracks your current position in the vector (starting with 0) and call a schedule without any delay the first time(this results in the function being called instantly). Inside the scheduler, retrieve the object from the vector, using the variable we created above, and run the action on it. Then increment the variable by 1 and check if it is smaller than the vector size. If it is then schedule the same function after one second(this time will need to be varied to suit your requirement). If the variable is equal to the size of the vector, then don’t do anything.