How do i create animation with "picture.png", "picture.plist" and "picture.ExportJson"

I have crated an animation in CocoStudio and following this code for add in cocos2d-x:
CCArmatureDataManager::sharedArmatureDataManager()->addArmatureFileInfo("Cowboy0.png","Cowboy0.plist","Cowboy.ExportJson"); CCArmature *armature = CCArmature::create("Cowboy"); armature->getAnimation()->playByIndex(0); armature->setScale(0.5f); armature->setPosition(200,300); this->addChild(armature,2)

And error here is CCArmatureDataManager and CCArmature is undefined. Please help me fix it. I’m newbiew in cocos2d-x :frowning:


YOU forget this:

#include “cocos-ext.h”

Thank you very much! have no error here but some code above still do not work?
Can you teach me how to add an animation with file format .split, .png, .Exportjson.
I use cocoStudio animation and it export three file but i do not know how to run this animation.
Thank you very much!