How do I best setup a directory structure that will allow me to work with latest develop code?

I am in the middle of developing a cocos2dx game at the moment, and was wondering how I can best set up my environment so that I can pull the latest code from cocos2dx develop branch and still commit to my game’s git repo.

If I clone cocos2dx develop, then I will have the projects directory, and it seems like a bad idea to clone my game repo inside that projects directory.

Is there an established way of getting the result that I want? Or is developing a game while constantly pulling cocos2dx develop branch a bad idea?

Thanks so much for the help!

I think I figured out my problem. projects/ is already in .gitignore of cocos2dx root directory, so it might be OK to just clone my game’s repo into projects?
Or is it bad to clone repos into git-ignored directories?

You can do it just like that. :slight_smile:
It works wonders if you have a git repo for the cocos2d-x library and another git repo for your projects.

Thanks for the reply! I have it set up like this now and it is working beautifully!