How can I use CCTransitionFade::transitionWithDuration(t, s);?

my code:

void BlackLayer::BlackDone()
CCScene *p=HelloWorld::scene();
CCTransitionSlideInT::transitionWithDuration(2.2, p);

But it didn’t work
画面直接切过去了 没有特效啊?
我英语不好 见谅啊

At least you can use google translation to help you. Please use English in this forum.
You didn’t use this interface correctly. Please refer to the sample code in tests. You should pass the return value of CCTransitionSlideInT::transitionWithDuration() into replaceScene.
Just like

CCDirector::sharedDirector()->repleaseScene( CCTransitionSlideInT::transitionWithDuration(2.2, p))