How can I restart a game without showing the splash screen?

I found that with I can restart a game.

But that shows the splash screen. How could I restart a game without showing the splash screen?

From the source code I found I can do that with the following code in the main.js: = function(){
    //load resources
    cc.view.setDesignResolutionSize(640, 480, cc.ResolutionPolicy.SHOW_ALL);
    cc.LoaderScene.preload(gameResources, function () {
        cc.director.runScene(new GameScene());
    }, this);
}; = function(){
    cc.view.setDesignResolutionSize(640, 480, cc.ResolutionPolicy.SHOW_ALL);
    cc.director.runScene(new GameScene());
}; = function () {
    cc.audioEngine && cc.audioEngine.end();;

It is not necessary to preload resources again for the restarted level.


So does the code solved your problem?

If not, i have some questions on your problem.

  1. Which splash screen do you mean? “Waiting for debug screen” or default app splash screen?
  2. Why you need to restart a game? should work like reopen the app.
But i think you just need to replace with a new scene by using
cc.director.runScene(new GameScene());

The code I pasted solved my issue, but as I see from your reply,
cc.director.runScene(new GameScene()); is really all I need. Thanks!