How about remove 3D related and some other codes when integrating metal?

Yep, 3D part will be saved.


Please save these.

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cocos studio will be saved since cocos2d-x tests depends on it. But i donā€™t think cocos builder reader need to be saved, it is not maintained a long long time ago. As i know, the cocos builder editor is not maintained too.


Yes, I was talking about cocos studio.

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But can someone please update the flatbuffers dependency, because Cocos Studio uses it and Iā€™m not able to verify if my changes worked, because I donā€™t have any data. Also see my topic for that.

Iā€™m deeply concerned that such a thread popped up without any notice. An email would have gone a long way to actually gather user feedback from a larger developer-base as opposed to those that just stumble across this forum from time to time?

I replied to points as I read this thread, reading the ending conclusion after voicing my concerns, so I apologize if it appears to argue an already decided point

I agree with this point deeply

This is also a critical point and has continued to be for the past few years.
The main things missing from documentation are proper definitions of:

  • Expected inputs
  • Expected outcomes
  • Fringe/cases/ exception cases

for all functions.

What are the statistics on this? This thread is full of a lot of guesswork and thereā€™s no actual metrics on the feedback in it. I for example maintain an application with tens of thousands of daily users which relies on the 3D features of cocos2dx and on csb parsing (Cocos Studio was still supported during development, and we still use it to this day)

If I add the game that I work on that has a large playerbase and relies on 3D does this validate my claim there are large projects relying on it?

Thank god, finally some good news as I read this thread.

Does this mean that csb parsing will still remain implemented? (CSLoader, Timeline etc)

Yep, you are right.

Great news!

The only big remaining concern will be how easy (I presume not at all) it will be to switch out the renderer or to port a 3.X project to thisā€¦ moving files to a new cocos2dx project isnā€™t really an answer for pretty entrenched game.

We will release alpha0 version quickly, you can take a look. I donā€™t think it is hard to do, especially if you donā€™t modify engine codes.

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