Heroes of Steel RPG

Written in vanilla Cocos2d-x by 2 people. C++

I would, of course, love some downloads and friendly reviews from my fellow Cocos2d-x developers!

In review on Apple, too.

Now available on the iOS:

Looks nice I’ll give it a try :wink:

I’ll try to pop it on my android emulator later and see if it works :smiley:

I’m also in (the beginning stages of) developing a turn-based strategy game, but using cocos2d-html5. Any insight you can give me about your developing experience of this game?

NDK applications, like Cocos2d-x, will not run very well, if at all, in Android emulators.

Insights? Use Spine, sqlite3, don’t rush, prototype lots, use C++ whenever possible.

We are now on Steam as well:


It actually seems to run pretty good on BlueStacks:

Yeah, we do get a fair number of crash reports via Critters from Bluestacks and other emulators.

Not something we try to support, however. If it currently runs there, cool, but I doubt anyone in Cocos2d-x land is going to loose sleep if it doesn’t work. :wink:

Thanks. We made it to Steam as well.