help with CCParallaxScrollNode

Hey, i’ve tried to use CCParallacScrollNode: . Everything seems to be fine except, i think there are no deallocation, when e.g. i change the scene. Could you tell me, how to do this for this class, cause all my solutions come to errors. I have also seen a lot of Memory leaks through Xcode. So maybe, someone have experience with these classes and could share the edited code? Thank you.

i have port this code to cocos2d-x. if you need that i can share.



#include "cocos2d.h"
//#include "CCParallaxScrollOffset.h"

namespace cocos2d {

    class CC_DLL CCParallaxScrollNode : public CCNode
        ccArray *scrollOffsets;
        CCSpriteBatchNode *batch;
        bool init();
        //static CCParallaxScrollNode * node();
        static CCParallaxScrollNode * makeWithBatchFile(const char *batchFileName);
        void addChild(CCSprite *node, int z, const CCPoint &r, const CCPoint &p, const CCPoint &s);
        void addChild(CCSprite *node, int z, const CCPoint &r, const CCPoint &p, const CCPoint &s, const CCPoint &v);

        void addChild(CCNode *node, int z);

        void removeChild(CCSprite *node, bool cleanup);
        void removeAllChildrenWithCleanup(bool cleanup);
        void updateWithVelocity(const CCPoint &vel, ccTime dt);
        void updateWithYPosition(float y, ccTime dt);
        void addInfiniteScrollWithZ(int z, const CCPoint ∶, const CCPoint &pos, const CCPoint &dir, CCSprite *firstObject, ...);
        void addInfiniteScrollXWithZ(int z, const CCPoint ∶, const CCPoint &pos, CCSprite *firstObject, ...);
        void addInfiniteScrollYWithZ(int z, const CCPoint ∶, const CCPoint &pos, CCSprite *firstObject, ...);
        void addInfiniteScrollWithObjects(CCArray *objects, int z, const CCPoint ∶, const CCPoint &pos, const CCPoint &dir);

        void setScrollOffsets(ccArray *pScrollOffsets);
        void setBatch(CCSpriteBatchNode *pBatch);
        ccArray * getScrollOffsets();
        CCSpriteBatchNode * getBatch();

        //CC_SYNTHESIZE(ccArray *, scrollOffsets, ScrollOffsets);
        //CC_SYNTHESIZE(CCSpriteBatchNode *, batch, Batch)

        LAYER_NODE_FUNC(CCParallaxScrollNode);//какая-то хрень

} // namespace cocos2d


#include "CCParallaxScrollNode.h"
#include "CCParallaxScrollOffset.h"

#ifndef PTM_RATIO
#define PTM_RATIO 1//32

#ifndef SIGN
#define SIGN(x) ((x < 0) ? -1 : (x > 0))

#include "support/data_support/ccCArray.h"

namespace cocos2d {

        if (scrollOffsets) {
            scrollOffsets = 0;

    bool CCParallaxScrollNode::init()
        bool ret = true;

        if (ret) 
            scrollOffsets = ccArrayNew(5);

        return ret;

//  CCParallaxScrollNode * CCParallaxScrollNode::node()
//  {
//      CCParallaxScrollNode *pRet = new CCParallaxScrollNode();
//      pRet->autorelease();
//      return pRet;
//  }

    CCParallaxScrollNode * CCParallaxScrollNode::makeWithBatchFile(const char *batchFileName)
        CCParallaxScrollNode *parallax = CCParallaxScrollNode::node();

        char *pngName = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(batchFileName)+5));

        strcpy(pngName, batchFileName);
        *(pngName+strlen(batchFileName)) = 0;

        parallax->setBatch(CCSpriteBatchNode::batchNodeWithFile(strcat(pngName, ".png")));



        pngName = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(batchFileName)+7));

        strcpy(pngName, batchFileName);
        *(pngName+strlen(batchFileName)) = 0;
        CCSpriteFrameCache::sharedSpriteFrameCache()->addSpriteFramesWithFile(strcat(pngName, ".plist"));

        return parallax;

    void CCParallaxScrollNode::updateWithVelocity(const CCPoint &vel, ccTime dt) {
        CCSize screen = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getWinSize();

        CCPoint vel2 = ccpMult(vel, PTM_RATIO);

        for (int i=scrollOffsets->num - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            CCParallaxScrollOffset *scrollOffset = (CCParallaxScrollOffset*)scrollOffsets->arr[i];
            CCNode *child = scrollOffset->getChild();

            CCPoint relVel = ccpMult(scrollOffset->getRelVelocity(), PTM_RATIO);
            CCPoint totalVel = ccpAdd(vel2, relVel);

            CCPoint offset = ccpCompMult(ccpMult(totalVel, dt), scrollOffset->getRatio());

            child->setPosition(ccpAdd(child->getPosition(), offset));

            if ( (vel2.x < 0 && child->getPosition().x + child->getContentSize().width < 0) ||
                (vel2.x > 0 && child->getPosition().x > screen.width) ) {

                child->setPosition(ccpAdd(child->getPosition(), ccp(-SIGN(vel2.x) * fabs(scrollOffset->getScrollOffset().x), 0)));

            // Positive y indicates upward movement in cocos2d
            if ( (vel2.y < 0 && child->getPosition().y + child->getContentSize().height < 0) ||
                (vel2.y > 0 && child->getPosition().y > screen.height) ) {
                child->setPosition(ccpAdd(child->getPosition(), ccp(0, -SIGN(vel2.y) * fabs(scrollOffset->getScrollOffset().y))));

    void CCParallaxScrollNode::updateWithYPosition(float y, ccTime dt)
        for (int i=scrollOffsets->num - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            CCParallaxScrollOffset *scrollOffset = (CCParallaxScrollOffset*)scrollOffsets->arr[i];
            CCNode *child = scrollOffset->getChild();
            float offset = y * scrollOffset->getRatio().y;//ccpCompMult(pos, scrollOffset.ratio);
            child->setPosition(ccp(child->getPosition().x, scrollOffset->getOrigPosition().y + offset));

    void CCParallaxScrollNode::addChild(CCSprite *node, int z, const CCPoint &r, const CCPoint &p, const CCPoint &s, const CCPoint &v)
        CCParallaxScrollOffset *obj = CCParallaxScrollOffset::scrollWithNode(node, r, p, s, v);
        ccArrayAppendObjectWithResize(scrollOffsets, obj);
        if (batch) {
            batch->addChild(node, z);
        } else {
            ((CCNode*)this)->addChild(node, z);

    void CCParallaxScrollNode::addChild(CCSprite *node, int z, const CCPoint &r, const CCPoint &p, const CCPoint &s)
        addChild(node, z, r, p, s, ccp(0,0));

    void CCParallaxScrollNode::removeChild(CCSprite *node, bool cleanup)
        for (int i=0; i < scrollOffsets->num; i++) {
            CCParallaxScrollOffset *scrollOffset = (CCParallaxScrollOffset*)scrollOffsets->arr[i];
            if(scrollOffset->getChild()->isEqual(node)) {
                ccArrayRemoveObjectAtIndex(scrollOffsets, i);
        if (batch) {
            batch->removeChild(node, cleanup);

    void CCParallaxScrollNode::addChild(CCNode *node, int z)
        CCNode::addChild(node, z);

    void CCParallaxScrollNode::removeAllChildrenWithCleanup(bool cleanup)
        if (batch) {

    void CCParallaxScrollNode::addInfiniteScrollWithObjects(CCArray *objects, int z, const CCPoint ∶, const CCPoint &pos, const CCPoint &dir)
        // NOTE: corrects for 1 pixel at end of each sprite to avoid thin lines appearing

        // Calculate total width and height
        float totalWidth = 0;
        float totalHeight = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < objects->count(); i++) {
            CCSprite *object = (CCSprite *)(objects->objectAtIndex(i));
            totalWidth += object->getContentSize().width - 2;//1;
            totalHeight += object->getContentSize().height - 2;//1;

        // Position objects, add to parallax
        CCPoint currPos = pos;
        for (int i = 0; i < objects->count(); i++) {
            CCSprite *object = (CCSprite *)(objects->objectAtIndex(i));
            addChild(object, z, ratio, currPos, ccp(totalWidth, totalHeight));
            CCPoint nextPosOffset = ccp(dir.x * (object->getContentSize().width - 2/*1*/), dir.y * (object->getContentSize().height - 2/*1*/));
            currPos = ccpAdd(currPos, nextPosOffset);

    void CCParallaxScrollNode::addInfiniteScrollWithZ(int z, const CCPoint ∶, const CCPoint &pos, const CCPoint &dir, CCSprite *firstObject, ...)
        va_list args;
        va_start(args, firstObject);

        CCArray* argArray = CCArray::arrayWithCapacity(2);
        for (CCSprite *arg = firstObject; arg != 0; arg = va_arg(args, CCSprite*)) {

        addInfiniteScrollWithObjects(argArray, z, ratio, pos, dir);

    void CCParallaxScrollNode::addInfiniteScrollXWithZ(int z, const CCPoint ∶, const CCPoint &pos, CCSprite *firstObject, ...)
        va_list args;
        va_start(args, firstObject);

        CCArray* argArray = CCArray::arrayWithCapacity(2);
        for (CCSprite *arg = firstObject; arg != 0; arg = va_arg(args, CCSprite*)) {

        addInfiniteScrollWithObjects(argArray, z, ratio, pos, ccp(1, 0));

    void CCParallaxScrollNode::addInfiniteScrollYWithZ(int z, const CCPoint ∶, const CCPoint &pos, CCSprite *firstObject, ...)
        va_list args;
        va_start(args, firstObject);

        CCArray* argArray = CCArray::arrayWithCapacity(2);
        for (CCSprite *arg = firstObject; arg != 0; arg = va_arg(args, CCSprite*)) {

        addInfiniteScrollWithObjects(argArray, z, ratio, pos, ccp(0, 1));

    void CCParallaxScrollNode::setScrollOffsets(ccArray *pScrollOffsets)
        scrollOffsets = pScrollOffsets;

    void CCParallaxScrollNode::setBatch(CCSpriteBatchNode *pBatch)
        batch = pBatch;

    ccArray * CCParallaxScrollNode::getScrollOffsets()
        return scrollOffsets;

    CCSpriteBatchNode * CCParallaxScrollNode::getBatch()
        return batch;

}// namespace cocos2d



#include "cocos2d.h"

namespace cocos2d {

    class CC_DLL CCParallaxScrollOffset : public CCObject
        CCPoint scrollOffset, origPosition, relVelocity, ratio, position, currPosition;
        CCNode *child;
        static CCParallaxScrollOffset * scrollWithNode(CCNode *node, const CCPoint &r, const CCPoint &p, const CCPoint &s);
        static CCParallaxScrollOffset * scrollWithNode(CCNode *node, const CCPoint &r, const CCPoint &p, const CCPoint &s, const CCPoint &v);
        bool initWithNode(CCNode *node, const CCPoint &r, const CCPoint &p, const CCPoint &s);
        bool initWithNode(CCNode *node, const CCPoint &r, const CCPoint &p, const CCPoint &s, const CCPoint &v);

//        CC_PROPERTY_PASS_BY_REF(CCPoint, scrollOffset, ScrollOffset);
//        CC_PROPERTY_PASS_BY_REF(CCPoint, origPosition, OrigPosition);
//        CC_PROPERTY_PASS_BY_REF(CCPoint, relVelocity, RelVelocity);
//        CC_PROPERTY_PASS_BY_REF(CCPoint, ratio, Ratio);
//        CC_PROPERTY_PASS_BY_REF(CCPoint, position, Position);
//        CC_PROPERTY_PASS_BY_REF(CCPoint, currPosition, CurrPosition);
//        CC_PROPERTY(CCNode *, child, Child);

//        CC_SYNTHESIZE_PASS_BY_REF(CCPoint, scrollOffset, ScrollOffset);
//        CC_SYNTHESIZE_PASS_BY_REF(CCPoint, origPosition, OrigPosition);
//        CC_SYNTHESIZE_PASS_BY_REF(CCPoint, relVelocity, RelVelocity);
//        CC_SYNTHESIZE_PASS_BY_REF(CCPoint, ratio, Ratio);
//        CC_SYNTHESIZE_PASS_BY_REF(CCPoint, position, Position);
//        CC_SYNTHESIZE_PASS_BY_REF(CCPoint, currPosition, CurrPosition);
//        CC_SYNTHESIZE_PASS_BY_REF(CCNode *, child, Child);

        void setScrollOffset(const CCPoint &val);
        void setOrigPosition(const CCPoint &val);
        void setRelVelocity(const CCPoint &val);
        void setRatio(const CCPoint &val);
        void setPosition(const CCPoint &val);
        void setCurrPosition(const CCPoint &val);
        void setChild(CCNode *val);
        const CCPoint & getScrollOffset() const;
        const CCPoint & getOrigPosition() const;
        const CCPoint & getRelVelocity() const;
        const CCPoint & getRatio() const;
        const CCPoint & getPosition() const;
        const CCPoint & getCurrPosition() const;
        CCNode * getChild() const;


} // namespace cocos2d


#include "CCParallaxScrollOffset.h"

namespace cocos2d {



    CCParallaxScrollOffset * CCParallaxScrollOffset::scrollWithNode(CCNode *node, const CCPoint &r, const CCPoint &p, const CCPoint &s)
        CCParallaxScrollOffset *pobSprite = new CCParallaxScrollOffset();
        if (pobSprite && pobSprite->initWithNode(node, r, p, s))
            return pobSprite;
        return NULL;

    CCParallaxScrollOffset * CCParallaxScrollOffset::scrollWithNode(CCNode *node, const CCPoint &r, const CCPoint &p, const CCPoint &s, const CCPoint &v)
        CCParallaxScrollOffset *pobSprite = new CCParallaxScrollOffset();
        if (pobSprite && pobSprite->initWithNode(node, r, p, s, v))
            return pobSprite;
        return NULL;

    bool CCParallaxScrollOffset::initWithNode(CCNode *node, const CCPoint &r, const CCPoint &p, const CCPoint &s)
        return initWithNode(node, r, p, s, ccp(0,0));

    bool CCParallaxScrollOffset::initWithNode(CCNode *node, const CCPoint &r, const CCPoint &p, const CCPoint &s, const CCPoint &v)
        bool ret = true;

        if(ret) {
            child = node;
            ratio = r;
            scrollOffset = s;
            relVelocity = v;
            origPosition = p;
            //currPosition = p;
            child->setAnchorPoint(ccp(0, 0));
        return ret;

    void CCParallaxScrollOffset::setScrollOffset(const CCPoint &val)
        scrollOffset = val;

    void CCParallaxScrollOffset::setOrigPosition(const CCPoint &val)
        origPosition = val;

    void CCParallaxScrollOffset::setRelVelocity(const CCPoint &val)
        relVelocity = val;

    void CCParallaxScrollOffset::setRatio(const CCPoint &val)
        ratio = val;

    void CCParallaxScrollOffset::setPosition(const CCPoint &val)
        position = val;

    void CCParallaxScrollOffset::setCurrPosition(const CCPoint &val)
        currPosition = val;

    void CCParallaxScrollOffset::setChild(CCNode *val)
        child = val;

    const CCPoint & CCParallaxScrollOffset::getScrollOffset() const
        return scrollOffset;

    const CCPoint & CCParallaxScrollOffset::getOrigPosition() const
        return origPosition;

    const CCPoint & CCParallaxScrollOffset::getRelVelocity() const
        return relVelocity;

    const CCPoint & CCParallaxScrollOffset::getRatio() const
        return ratio;

    const CCPoint & CCParallaxScrollOffset::getPosition() const
        return position;

    const CCPoint & CCParallaxScrollOffset::getCurrPosition() const
        return currPosition;

    CCNode * CCParallaxScrollOffset::getChild() const
        return child;

}// namespace cocos2d

Hi, I have seen your port and it looks wonderful, but, I have a question, I have checked that there is two methods to move the Parallax but I did not found one move the parallax using fingers. Also, do these classes support zoom in and zoom out?


Hi, i only ported that code to the C*+ and actually don’t know what void CCParallaxScrollNode::updateWithYPosition(float y, ccTime dt) method is doing there.
“Also, do these classes support zoom in and zoom out?” - no, these classes don’t support zooming.
“but I did not found one move the parallax using fingers” - i have added two methods to the @ CCParallaxScrollNode@ class maybe you find it useful when move the parallax using fingers.
void CCParallaxScrollNode::updateWithOffset
CCSize screen = CCDirector::sharedDirector~~>getWinSize;
CCPoint offsetPTM = ccpMult;
for {
CCParallaxScrollOffset scrollOffset = scrollOffsets~~>arr[i];
CCNode *child = scrollOffset~~>getChild;
CCPoint offset = ccpMult), 1);
CCPoint newPos = ccpAdd, offset);
CCPoint oldPos = child
if && .width < 0)) {
newPos.x = fabs.x);
} else if && ) {
newPos.x = fabs.x);
// Positive y indicates upward movement in cocos2d
if && .y + child
>getContentSize.height < 0)) {
= fabs.y);
} else if .y > screen.height)) {
newPos.y = fabs.y);
void CCParallaxScrollNode::updateWithPosition
CCSize screen = CCDirector::sharedDirector~~>getWinSize;
float fractpartX, fractpartY, intpart, xScrollOffset, yScrollOffset;
for {
CCParallaxScrollOffset *scrollOffset = scrollOffsets~~>arr[i];
child = scrollOffset~~>getChild;
CCPoint offset = ccpMult), 1);
CCPoint newPos = ccpAdd, offset);
CCPoint oldPos = child
xScrollOffset = scrollOffset~~>getScrollOffset.x;
yScrollOffset = scrollOffset~~>getScrollOffset.y;
fractpartX = modff;
newPos.x = fractpartX*xScrollOffset;
fractpartY = modff;
newPos.y = fractpartY*yScrollOffset;
if && .width < 0)) {
newPos.x*= fabs(xScrollOffset);
} else if ((newPos.x > oldPos.x) && (newPos.x > screen.width)) {
newPos.x = fabs;
// Positive y indicates upward movement in cocos2d
if && .height < 0)) {
newPos.y += fabs;
} else if && ) {
= fabs(yScrollOffset);

child->setPosition(newPos.x, newPos.y);

now you can use either `pInfiniteParallax->updateWithVelocity(fingerDistancePerDt, dt);` or `m_pInfiniteParallax->updateWithOffset(curFingerPos-oldFingerPos);` or `m_pInfiniteParallax->updateWithPosition(curFingerPos);`