Help! My project can't zoom in iphone-retina

I made a project and run it in iPhone simulator(not retina) it’s ok.
but when i changed the device to iPhone-retina, the screen didn’t zoom for retina.
why it can’t zoom 480 to 960?


7C2F456C-D24F-42E4-81A1-6727E87834A5.png (92.8 KB)

First, you should check it how cocos2dx support multi-resolution :

To help you, we would need to know 2 important things :

  • what version of cocos2dx are you using ?
  • what’s in your AppDelegate::applicationDidFinishLaunching() method ?

François Dupayrat wrote:

First, you should check it how cocos2dx support multi-resolution :
To help you, we would need to know 2 important things :

  • what version of cocos2dx are you using ?
  • what’s in your AppDelegate::applicationDidFinishLaunching() method ?

thank you!

  1. my version of cocos2dx is cocos2d-2.1rc0-x-2.1.2

  2. there is that method
    bool AppDelegate::applicationDidFinishLaunching()
    // initialize director
    CCDirector *pDirector = CCDirector::sharedDirector();
    // turn on display FPS

// set FPS. the default value is 1.0/60 if you don’t call this
// create a scene. it’s an autorelease object
CCScene *pScene = MainMenu::scene;
// run 程序的第一个界面入口

return true;

thank you

François Dupayrat wrote:

First, you should check it how cocos2dx support multi-resolution :
To help you, we would need to know 2 important things :

  • what version of cocos2dx are you using ?
  • what’s in your AppDelegate::applicationDidFinishLaunching() method ?

I found those code :
pEGLView->setDesignResolutionSize(480, 320, kResolutionShowAll);
can zoom the screen with different device. And i read some documents and know how it works in new version of cocos2dx
anyway, thanks!