[Help! Cocos2d-x v3.0alpha0-pre xcode can't open the proj

Just now, I downloaded the Cocos2d-x v3.0alpha0-pre, there is a little difference between this version and former version about install templates.
I got python on my mac, so I followed the steps:

$ cd cocos2d-x
$ py ./create-multi-platform-projects.py -p testProject -k com.sketchingame.testProject -l cpp

It seems go smoothly, but when I opened the [testProject].xcodeproj, oh no,

Project /Volumes/MAC.DATA/Cocos2d/cocos2d-x-3.0alpha0-pre/projects/[testProject]/proj.ios/[testProject].xcodeproj cannot be opened because the project file cannot be parsed.

So, I googled the problem, [[http://stackoverflow.com/questions/361799/xcode-unable-to-open-project-cannot-be-opened-because-the-project-file-canno]], there is an answer 43 up, I read it carefully, and tried to do that. But the project.pbxproj file isn’t like that the answer mentioned.
So, anybody ideas?

testProject.png (33.9 KB)

I got the problem with cocos2d-x 2.2.1 because of the project name. I used a name with a space.

python ./create-project.py -project "My Project" -package com.domain.myproject -language cpp

After removing it I was able to open the project. (Xcode 5.0.2)

python ./create-project.py -project MyProject -package com.domain.myproject -language cpp

No spaces or β€˜[]’.

How to create a project with the space in project name?

escape it

$ cocos new My\ Game -p com.com.com -l cpp -d .
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