Have trouble with creating android project

As it is mentioned in wiki, i did everything what this tutorial said succesfully (it took me 2 days to understand that permission denied stuff and others :slight_smile: )
now i have a different problem, when i complie build_native.sh, it creates android project without problem but after that it cant find org.cocos2dx.lib.
In tutorial it says that project should be under cocos2d-x folder, i also have these project there and when i create an eclipse project i didnt move them to workspace.

I hope, you can help me
Thank you in advance

I realized my org.cocos2dx is empty there is no library files. Why?

It’s here…

I copied them to org.cocos2dx.lib but still it does not work. It gives error with some classes over there. I changed java complier to 1.6 but still i have problems.

Improt the project (cocos2d-2.0-x-2.0.3\cocos2dx\platform\android\java) ,not copy …

oke i also imported these java folder.
Now i have that problems :frowning:

This problem is that copy_library_src function in template/android/copy_files.sh
I have modified copy_files.sh to solve that.

Download copy_files.sh, and then copy it into template/android/.
When I tested, it worked.

hope this file help you

huro ex wrote:

This problem is that copy_library_src function in template/android/copy_files.sh
I have modified copy_files.sh to solve that.
Download copy_files.sh, and then copy it into template/android/.
When I tested, it worked.
hope this file help you

Thanks for your work, but it doesn’t work fine.
I’m replace old .sh file with your .sh file, and create-andorid-project.sh is file but can’t run on android.

Attached file is log on eclipse’s console window.

I have no clue way, when you change your complier to 1.6 and then try to work with android phone. It works!
But with virtual machines it gives errors? Maybe my VM’s ram is not enough… No clue…

I am happy that after one week at the end i am able to program by using cocos2d-x :slight_smile: