GravityLine - new Cocos2dx game featured on AppStore main page

Hi everyone!

I’m happy to inform you that GravityLine, my new Cocos2dx game, was recently featured on AppStore in 140 countries! Thank you Cocos!

Full Version:



It’s also available on Samsung Apps store.

All the best,


I liked ur art style and it is looknig a different style of platformer game.
Nice Nice :smile:

Interesting gameplay. This is an original idea?
I also liked the color scheme)
I will definitely try it as soon as I will get back my tablet.

Thank you guys! I’m very happy you like it!

The idea is original, I didn’t want to clone anything, and I’ve never seen anything with the same gameplay, so I think it’s fair to say it’s original.

The graphics design was made by my mate, will tell him you like it, thank you!

In this case, you deservedly received a featuring from Apple. Congratulations! :wink:

Thank you!