Graphics: rotated rectangle?


I play with the new cc.Graphics of Cocos Creator 1.2, it’s very nice.

I want to draw a rotated rectangle. Is there a rotation matrix or so? Or do I have to draw a polyline and rotate the points by myself?



You can rotate the node, or rotate the points yourself.

You can also try this lib:
Here is the example :

Hi jyinkailej,

thank you for information. I’ve tried the raphael example with the copying in the raphael lib but got this error in Cocos Creator 1.2:

[require] Cannot find module 'cheerio' from '\temp\scripts\assets\raphael\component'

I will try a own rotation function.



hi @jyinkailej I’ve tried your projects and Im having the same problem with missing component on raphael project. Is there anything we can do to fix it?
Thanks for sharing!

Did you follow the steps?

git clone
git submodule update --init
npm install

No, I didnt. I just downloaded the project.
But I will do it now. Thanks!

FYI: The library does not work with certain SVG files.

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cool! Thanks!

Can anyone share how you included Raphael in your own project? I can open and edit the examples, but don’t know how to include Raphael on my own project :frowning: