gles20 Branch in Cocos2d-X

I find that the gles20 branch of Cocos2d-x is under active development. Link:

However, when I checked out the source, installed the Xcode templates with the included script, and created a simple iPhone project with the template, the code wouldn’t compile.

I investigated the errors and found that some files (such as the kazmath folder, ccGLStateCache.cpp and ccGLStateCache.h) which were supposed to be located inside the libs folder, were in fact missing.

Those missing files are very likely caused by the Cocos2d-x template failing to copy those files from the original source to the new project’s location.

My questions:

  • Is the gles20 branch ready for use?
  • If yes, how can I fix my problem?

Thanks in advance.

No, it is developing.
As you see, the template is not completed.
We may release alpha version in two weeks.