Getting the time or delta time for touches

I am trying to get the velocity of a touch.
I read that you have to create a variable that keeps track of time to do this.
I noticed that ccTouchesMoved isn’t called every frame though, and this causes a few jumps in speed.
Here’s is how I came to that conclusion:

void Game::update(float dt)
    time += 1.0f;
void Game::ccTouchesBegan(CCSet* touches, CCEvent* event)
    time = 0.0f;
void Game::ccTouchesMoved(CCSet* touches, CCEvent* event)
    if(time != 1.0f)
        CCLog("%f", time);
    time = 0.0f;

I am calling a function in ccTouchesMoved and I need delta time as a parameter.
Does anyone know of a way I can do this (other than calling the function from update)?

Why do you need it in ccTouchesMoved? Can you explain a bit your scenario?

It would be great if you can do the same in ccTouchEnd, when user releases its finger.

It’s just moving by velocity.
Here is what my code currently looks like without calling from ccTouchesMoved (summarized):

void Game::update(float dt)
    currentPosition = currentTouch->getLocation();
    this->move(currentPosition, lastPosition, dt);
    lastPosition = currentPosition;
void Game::move(CCPoint currentPosition, CCPoint lastPosition, float dt)
    if(currentPosition != lastPosition) //if touch moved
        //drag-like motion
        CCPoint point = ccpSub(currentPosition, lastPosition);
        sprite->setPosition(ccpAdd(sprite->getPosition(), point));
        velocity = ccpDistance(currentPosition, lastPosition) / dt;
        velocityAngle = atan2(point.y, point.x);
    }else{ //if touch began, ended, or not touching
        if(velocity == 0) //skip if nothing is going to happen
        //velocity motion
        float x = velocity * dt * cos(velocityAngle);
        float y = velocity * dt * sin(velocityAngle);
        sprite->setPosition(ccpAdd(sprite->getPosition(), ccp(x,y));
        //decrease velocity
        velocity -= drag * dt; //drag = 600, velocity of 600px/s will reach 0 in 1s
        if(velocity < 0)
            velocity = 0;
void Game::ccTouchesBegan(CCSet* touches, CCEvent* event)
    CCSetIterator it;
    for( it = touches->begin(); it != touches->end(); it++)
        //touchID check code goes here
        currentTouch = (CCTouch*)(*it);
        currentPosition = currentTouch->getLocation();
        lastPosition = currentPosition;
void Game::ccTouchesMoved(CCSet* touches, CCEvent* event)
    CCSetIterator it;
    for( it = touches->begin(); it != touches->end(); it++)
        //touchID check code goes here
        currentTouch = (CCTouch*)(*it);
void Game::ccTouchesEnded(CCSet* touches, CCEvent* event)
    CCSetIterator it;
    for( it = touches->begin(); it != touches->end(); it++)
        //touchID check code goes here
        currentTouch = (CCTouch*)(*it);
        currentPosition = currentTouch->getLocation();
        lastPosition = currentPosition;

This code works fine but it’s not perfect enough for me.
What ends up happening is that occasionally, there are 2 frame updates before there is a call to ccTouchesMoved or vice versa (a touch update that skips a frame update).
This causes jitters in movement.
The same thing happens if I create a variable to keep track of time which is incremented in update and call move from ccTouchesMoved using time and previous time.
The same 2 frame updates 1 touch update or 1 frame update 2 touch updates problem persists.
I know that if I were using a call from ccTouchesMoved instead of update, this wouldn’t be a problem (from experience with corona sdk and unity).

Is there any better way to manage time?